Published Real Estate Books by Jordan C. Dove

Selling Secrets You Can’t Afford To Miss
How much can you really get for your home? Chances are, it’s more than you think. I’ve laid out strategies to sell each part of your home, helping you attract the most buyers and maximize your profits.
Inside, you’ll learn staging ideas for each room, advice on creating curb appeal, the importance of great pictures in real estate, how to neutralize your home, what repairs or touch-ups will improve your value, and much more.
In this book, I’ve provided an effective guide for you to have the most successful real estate transactions possible. If you don’t have time to implement all of the strategies discussed in this book, I’d be more than happy to provide my expertise and services to help you buy or sell your home.

Complete Guide To Buying A Home
Buying a home can be a daunting task. This book details the buying process in any market, with strategies and advice to help the process go as quickly and smoothly as possible. These strategies have helped thousands of people buy their homes in a timely manner — and most importantly — for a reasonable, or even amazing, price. It’s time to find your dream home!